Monday, April 20, 2015

Water, Wells and the FARMER!

     I will not quote statistics or give anyone a lecture.  You already get that on a daily basis, depending on how much you listen, read or ingest the news.  At this farm we are not above waste.  I do not mean we are out over watering our lawns, well if we had lawns.  There is the occasional, rinse off of a vehicle or a chicken poop overloaded walkway.  My kids are the least of the offenders.  Getting them in the like pure torture.  They turn the faucet off while brushing their teeth, and never rinse out dishes.

     We use water like everyone else, but we are on a well, not just a well, but a shared well.  That's right, everyone well homeowners nightmare.  Sharing the cost, of not only the power, but the maintenance of the well.  Forget the fact that both properties have easements, which is a nightmare in itself.  At this farm we not only have to be concerned about our usage, but the house next door.  The house next door is a rental....its owner decided that America is not the place to work, so that owner is not available to talk to because she is in another country.  Bring in the property management people.  Oh we have had three different ones since it became a rental.  Now trying to explain to each one that they are responsible for the 1/2 of the PG&E on the well seems simple right?  Not so much.  It eventually happens and eventually we get paid.  Now the neighbors themselves, the renters, they are great.  So far all of the renter in the the house next door have been.  They are considerate, helpful, and not water wasters.  We have done our due diligence to explain to each that we share water and we are on a well.  By the way, none of them knew this when they moved into the house next door.  The current renters have tiny humans, so well water is sometimes an issue for consumption so that conversation was very welcomed.  We make sure that everyone is on board.

     So WATER, what was my point, oh....yes.  We are trying our best to conserve just like the homeowner on city water.  But the thought of not having it scares me to death.  The animals use most of it.  Without the animals, we would obviously not be a farm, not have the great food we produce. That would be very scary.  So with out water, there is NO FOOD!!!!!  Okay NO FOOD ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA!!!  So who should get the most water.....oh of course the golf courses, or the people who can not stand brown grass....wrong!!  I understand that golf is necessary for some, and I am Not pointing my finger at just the golf courses.  Even the agriculture in this state, must learn to water differently for now.  But the end to my water rant, is the farmers need the water!  All the farmers, big and small.  Everyone needs to be a part of the conversation. I could go on and on about who does what and who conserves and who does not.   For now we do everything we can.  Some of our water saving sayings in our house are the old ones like...."If it brown flush it down, if its yellow keep it mellow"  But the conversation happens daily at our house.  How often does it happen at yours, and how are you saving water.  I love getting ideas from others, let us know.

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