Sonoma Coast Sunset 1/1/13 |
Okay, it has been some time since I started this blog and suddenly I found myself lost. Lost in the everyday ins and outs of life on a homestead and raising children, raising livestock and suddenly the days turn into weeks and weeks into months, well you get the picture. So what do you do? Well it was time for me to prioritize. You would think that at my age, no I will not reveal that number, I would know how to prioritize. Sometimes life keeps handing you things to do. Most, realize what they can take on and say "no" to everything else. Me, we'll let's say "no" is, or has not been present in my vocabulary for some time. Top all of those "yes's" off with a two years ongoing medical issues with my arm and everything, that means, all that is important to me is on the back burner. Fast forward to 2013, things are being shed, priorities are being set, and all that is important to me is taking a front seat. So on with the blog. I want this blog to represent all of the wonderful things that my family and I are doing to obtain self sufficiency. Over the time that I have not been blogging I have been engage in others blogs of interest. It is amazing how many of us blog, and how much we blog about. I have learned so many new things.
It is still cold outside here were we are so what is in the ground is limited. However, we did take a big jump and plant several boxes of garlic. We have a few beats left, and that is about it. So what to do in the winter, this winter? I have taken a tip from a relative and jumped into freeing
my home of all harmful cleaners. The first of hopefully several steps to getting back to basics. My first project, LAUNDRY SOAP, yes, do not laugh. I am, getting ready to make my first batch. Now I tried Laura's laundry soap and really liked it. It felt clean and smelled clean. I am not one to waste though, so I have about 1/4 of a container of my regular soap left. We have our wash water flowing out to do lawn irrigation, so what we are irrigating with is important, not to mention any flow of water attracts the chickens. So recipe in hand, and armed with the ingredients I need; Borax, baking soda and my grated lye soap from http://store.mosoap.com/. I am ready to take off this weekend. Oh you would like to join me? Okay well stay tuned, the recipe and equipment needed are yet to come. See ya soon!
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