Monday, April 11, 2011

Who are you "Little M Farms"?

Who are we, and why do we need a blog, and who is even going to read it?  I said to myself as I was creating this one.  I am not a tech person, however, my favorites are loaded with blogs of my hidden friends who do not even know I exists.  Whose sites I love to visit and read, steal a good idea and make a wonderful meal from.  Well here we are, just you and me, so let me tell you why?  I love to write so what better place to do it.  My world is my family, friends and the farm.  Who knew that about a year ago what we did as well a hobby would end up being more?  We had thought about doing more with our small amount of land, but nothing ever came to fruition.  How much time can you have with; two kids (8,11) one husband, two dogs, two cats, 1 fish, 1 crab, 33 hens, 2 roosters, multiple chicks, 40 show rabbits, two goats, 20 meat rabbits, a garden and well ME!  We are living the dream, even though the thought of unemployment ending for my husband is a dreary thought.  We can do this he said, and well we are going to do our best.  The next several posts will be about the farm.  What we do, and what we do in our life. I hope then to share our journey from dirt to the market place with you and share my ideas, successes, and the not so successful ventures, perhaps you can take them and use them for yourself.  So, until the next post....


  1. This is exciting! Glad you figured it out! Thanks for paving the road for me to follow in!

  2. Good luck on your blogging, as well as your farming endeavor. We will follow along, cheering you on. Oh, and very nice eggs!

  3. Glad to have found your blog. I'm down south of you in Novato doing our own little work on a more self-sustainable lifestyle. I was interested in your raising rabbits for meat. Right now we buy rabbit from Jones Rabbit Farm in Santa Rosa, but we are moving into raising our own. What kind of rabbits do you raise?
