Organic Circus Circus Carrots |

Well, I am not sure if it will or not, but I am hoping the gardening and growing season is not like last year. It seemed everything was late. I am sure my new plants are loving this late in the season storm, but I am a bit cranky. It is hard to plant, harvest, feed, milk, feed, and feed some more in the rain. I do it because it needs to be done, but I love to do it when it is sunny. Okay enough with my whining. Just before the rain, I harvested the first seasons organic "Circus, Circus" carrots. Now you can see why they are called that. The orange carrots are like your traditional carrot. The white are a bit sweeter, I think. The purple are very woody tasting and my daughter Taylor does not like them at all. My number one farmer, Blaine, who with the help of his sister, harvested all 50 carrots, loves them all. Now you might notice in the picture that our orange carrot has "2" legs. Have you ever seen a carrot like this in the store? Of course not! That would be........Unnatural......?? I was on another blog that I visit and the author was writing about how her lettuce had "holes", and how she has grown to accept the "natural" appearance of produce grown with NO chemicals natural or man made. I loved it! Real food is not perfect. Carrots have two legs and lettuce has holes. If the bugs like to eat it then my gosh so do I. I love it that my kids get to see real food. Produce that is not perfect, and animals that give their lives so we can eat. Next time you are in you local health food store or chain supermarket, try to find some real produce............Until next post.